Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Demand & Utility

Three things that I will "economically demand" this week and explain what "utility" each item will serve.

Three things:

1. Gas. I need gas in order to get to school, get lunch, go shopping, etc. I also have to drive my little brother around a lot (he has basketball practice 7 days a week), so I need gas for that too.

2. Starbucks coffee. I get coffee at Starbucks almost every day. It provides a boost of caffeine, which helps keep me awake during the day.

3. Food. This one is pretty obvious - I need food in order to survive. I have a job, so my parents have me pay for most of my own meals. I either go to the grocery store and get ingredients to prepare something at home, or go out to eat someplace.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013


Do you support this kind of economic system?

I definitely support a market economy. I believe the benefits associated with this type of system far outweigh the minor disadvantages. However, the United States is not a true market economy. Our economy is slowly edging away from a market system. Our government provides extensive support to the poor, the unemployed, students, and the elderly through programs such as Welfare, Unemployment benefits, Financial Aid for college, public education, and Medicare. Healthcare has also been socialized under Obama's presidency (Obamacare). I strongly disagree with most of these programs, healthcare especially. 

I grew up with entrepreneurial parents and watched my dad open several businesses over the years. While he failed several times, he never stopped trying and is now an incredibly successful business owner. I also own a very successful graphic design business on my own. The economic system in the United States has allowed this. In countries with true command economies, entrepreneurship is simply not possible. But as I mentioned before, I think the US is starting to move away from a market-esque economy. The United States was once the most revered country in the world. We had a unique economic system that provided unlimited opportunity - the idea of the "American Dream." With the addition of universal healthcare and easily handing out Welfare, opportunities in this country are dwindling. I believe that reverting to a true, or just truer, market economy would undoubtedly revive the US economy.